OFFTA 2019
LA SERRE – arts vivants + Quartier des Spectacles Partnership
In the context of the next edition of OFFTA, live arts festival, the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership and the team of LA SERRE — arts vivants proposes to an artist or a collective of artists to create and realize a major installation, interactive, playful, and non-technological, for a project of transcommunity park at Place de la Paix. In keeping with the issues of inclusion and the reclamation of public space, the installation should respond to the geographical and socio-historical context of place de la Paix, a crossroads where several communities meet.
- PROJECT: Creation and design of a transcommunity1 park
- SITE: Place de la Paix (in front of Monument-National)
- LENGTH: 10 consecutive days from May 24th to June 2nd, 2019
During the last two editions of OFFTA, the place de la Paix hosted performative and participative installations for the entire duration of the festival. In 2017, the Centre d'archivage du savoir sensible by the collectif Création Dans la Chambre transformed Place de la Paix into a place of poetic and learning exchange, inviting citizens to leave traces of knowledge. In 2018, La nébuleuse by L’eau du bain transported spectators miles away from downtown frenzy throug an immersive audio stroll, gateway to the realm of dreams and imagination. PROJECT
- Propose a space of dialogue and encounters for the neighbouring communities, through the experience and interaction with an artwork grounded in public space
- Question the space in the perspective of live arts with an installation that can be activated for the entire duration of the festival
- Have at least four years of practice as a professional artist
- LA SERRE is committed to produce the project suggested by the artist or collective, providing administrative and production support
- LA SERRE is committed to provide a team of mediators for the entire duration of the project
- The maximal budget of the project cannot exceed thirty thousand dollars (30 000$). Duration: 10 consecutive days from May 24th to June 2nd, 2018
Complete the online application form before November 4th, 2018.
It must include the following items:
• A detailed description of the project, including the installation, concept of activation and mediation activities (750 words maximum)
• Relevant visual material : photos and videos (for videos, please join a YouTube or Vimeo link to your application in the Title- Demo/Screener section)
• Short biographies of all artists involved and a short history of the company (if applicable)
• A production schedule
• A provisional budget
• The preliminary technical specifications of the project, such as : dimensions of the installation and site occupation ; use of projections, mikes and/or video, lighting effects ; security and accessibility of the installation, weather protection, etc.
• If your project contains text, please submit a synopsis or an excerpt of no more than five pages
• Only one application per project
• The form has to be completed by November 4th, 2018
• Only complete applications will be accepted
• Only applications from Canadian artists and company will be accepted
• The curators and the jury reserve the right not to comment their decisions
• The decision regarding your application will be communicated by the end of January 2019.
*Please make sure that your application contains all elements before submitting it. Please note that this project is made possible through the generous support of the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership and of Canadian Heritage.
1 transcommunity: which transcends, facilitates, and stimulates encounters between ethnic, linguistic, generational and other types of communities