The Quartier des Spectacles Partnership announces its board of directors for 2015-16
Press release - For immediate release
Montreal, April 23, 2015 – The Quartier des Spectacles Partnership is proud to present the members of its Board of Directors for 2015-16, following an election held at its annual general meeting on April 22 at the Cinémathèque québécoise.
Nine directorships were open for election at the meeting.
For the six open positions for members of the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership, whether self-employed individuals in the cultural sector or members of an artistic or cultural organization or company, the following were elected or re-elected: Christine Barbe (Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec), David Lavoie (Festival TransAmériques), Lorraine Pintal (Théâtre du Nouveau Monde), Jacques Primeau (Productions Jacques K. Primeau), Michel Sabourin (Club Soda) and Alexandre Taillefer (Musée d’art contemporain).
The three positions for members from a business association, the tourism sector, and institutions, companies or organizations other than businesses were filled by acclamation: Agathe Alie (CIBL community radio), Jean Ruest (Desjardins gestion immobilière) and Marie-Pier Veilleux (Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal).
In 2014, changes were made to the rules governing composition of the Board. The number of directors was increased by 5, to 22, for the purpose of increasing and balancing the representation of several groups of partners from the cultural, educational, social, community and business sectors while maintaining a majority of directorships for the cultural sector. The Board of Directors for 2015-16 is constituted as follows:
• nine (9) directors elected from among the members of the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership, whether independent contractors in the cultural sector or members of an artistic or cultural organization or company:
- Alain Grégoire (Maison Théâtre), Nadine Marchand (TOHU, Montréal Complètement cirque), Félix Martel (Monument-National) + 6 directors listed above
• four (4) directors elected from among the members of a business association, the tourism sector, or institutions, companies or organizations other than businesses:
- Philip O’Dwyer (Société de Développement du Quartier latin) + 3 directors listed above
• one (1) director elected from among the members of a residents’ association or community organization active within the Quartier des Spectacles:
- Oona Stock (Société de développement social de Ville-Marie)
• two (2) directors from among the members of the cultural sector, appointed by the Board of Directors. These directors are from organizations that produce a major performing arts event held mainly in the Quartier des Spectacles and whose programming attracts annual attendance of at least one million to the Quartier’s outdoor and indoor sites:
- André Ménard (L’Équipe Spectra) + 1 vacant position
• two (2) directors, one each from two public institutions that play unique and essential roles in the educational and cultural development of the Quartier des Spectacles, specifically the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and Place des Arts (PDA):
- Marc Turgeon (UQAM) and Marc Blondeau (PDA)
• three (3) directors appointed by the Board for their expertise and experience in a specific area:
- Martin Galarneau (Thibault, Messier, Savard et Associés), Monique Goyette + 1 vacant position
• one (1) director appointed by the Ville de Montréal:
- Jean-Robert Choquet
Jacques Primeau was re-elected as chair of the Board of Directors (since 2012). The officers who will assist him in carrying out his mandate are: Lorraine Pintal, re-elected vice-chair (since 2013), Alexandre Taillefer newly elected to the Board and to the position of vice-chair, and Monique Goyette re-elected as treasurer (since 2011).
The organization also wishes to express its gratitude to Joanne Chevrier (Hydro-Québec) for eight years of dedicated service as a member of the Board. The Partnership also extends sincere thanks to Ghyslain Boileau (Société des arts technologies - SAT) and Pierre Bellerose (Tourisme Montréal) for their unwavering commitment during their time on the Board.
The Partnership also wishes to pay tribute to two great ambassadors for the Quartier des Spectacles, and former members of the Board, who passed away in 2014-15: Marcel Côté (director from 2012 to 2014) and Rosario Demers (director from 2003 to 2014). Both made considerable contributions to the Quartier’s development.
Activity report 2014
The annual general meeting also included a look back at the previous year, which was a particularly active one, including the most cultural programming ever produced by the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership outside the summer season, the showcasing of the work of more than 100 creators through works created specifically for the Quartier des Spectacles, the launch of a new advertising campaign and the use of the Urban Digital Laboratory for the creation of new experiences. Additionally, a study of real estate spin-off effects conducted in 2014 highlighted the ways in which the major revitalization of the Quartier des Spectacles attracts and encourages investment.
The 2014 activity report of the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership is available: here (in French only).
About the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership
The Quartier des Spectacles Partnership, founded in 2003, is a non-profit organization with some 60 members active in the district. Its Board of Directors includes representatives of cultural organizations and institutions, educational institutions, business, municipal government and community organizations. This structure allows the district’s main stakeholders to consult each other and act jointly. The Partnership’s full-time staff of approximately 20 programs cultural activities for the Quartier des Spectacles. The team is also responsible for the Quartier’s public spaces, specialized facilities, illumination and promotion. The Partnership is supported by the Ville de Montréal and the Secrétariat à la région métropolitaine.
Media enquiries:
Marie-Joëlle Corneau | |
514 348-9676