The Partnership's new board and release of the 2022-26 strategic plan for the Quartier des Spectacles
Montreal, May 12, 2022 – The Quartier des Spectacles Partnership is pleased to announce the composition of its board of directors for 2022-23. The directors were elected during the Annual General Meeting on May 11, held in the new spaces inside the Esplanade Tranquille pavilion. At the meeting, the Partnership also presented its 2022-26 strategic plan for the Quartier des Spectacles, and highlighted the past year’s projects by releasing its 2021 annual report.
The Partnership’s board of directors has 21 members from the cultural, socio-economic (business, tourism, education) and community sectors. Of the 21 members, 14 are elected at the Annual General Meeting and seven are appointed by the board.
This year, there were seven vacancies in three categories. The vacancies for members from the cultural sector were filled by: Manon Blanchette (Cinéma Impérial), Madeleine Careau (Orchestre symphonique de Montréal) and David Lavoie (FTA - Festival TransAmériques), who were all re-elected, and Thien Vu Dang (MAPP_MTL), who will serve his first term on the board. From the community sector, Marc-André Fortin (Table de concertation du Faubourg Saint-Laurent) was elected. Two members from the socio-economic sector were elected by acclamation: Dany Gauthier (Mouvement Desjardins - Services immobiliers Desjardins) and Manuela Goya (Tourisme Montréal).
The Partnership thanks all members who stood for election, and the directors for their generous commitment. Special thanks to Amélie Duceppe (Duceppe) and Paul Ronca (Juste pour Rire), who completed their terms this year; Alain Boucher will take over as the representative for Juste pour Rire.
The full list of board members for 2022-23 can be found below.
In 2021, the Partnership held a series of consultations with 350 individuals and organizations of all kinds, in order to give all stakeholders the opportunity to share their ideal vision for the Quartier des Spectacles and commit to its future. These discussions revealed five widely shared principles: aiming for excellence and innovation, maintaining positive and collaboration-focused leadership, focusing on the Quartier’s attractiveness and the inclusiveness of its activities, committing to the ecological transition and, lastly, ensuring diversity and representativeness of the art and other cultural expressions presented in public space.
Four broad unifying themes also emerged from the consultations, forming the development directions that will guide activities over the next five years: cultural liveliness, land use planning, a Quartier that forges bonds, and enhancing the Quartier’s local and international profile. The strategic plan includes nine directions and 28 goals, which will form the basis of action plans.
“It is a considerable challenge to present a vision that is innovative and balanced for all, comprising every activity and interest of everyone active in the Quartier. That is what the 2022-26 strategic plan does, thanks to exceptional participation levels and the Partnership’s unifying leadership. By joining forces and pulling in the same direction, we will make this ambitious plan for the future of the Quartier des Spectacles a reality,” said Monique Simard, chair of the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership’s board of directors.
In 2021, the Partnership completed a long list of projects in collaboration with numerous players in the cultural, socio-economic and tourism sectors. The summer relaunch of Les aventures du cœur de l’île, in partnership with Montréal centre-ville and in collaboration with Tourisme Montréal, brought together 200 downtown partners and involved more than 530 local artists and designers, working in an extended territory. Throughout the summer and until mid-October, these cultural activities and urban designs had a major impact on downtown Montreal’s vitality.
Winter activities also expanded in 2021. With the series of luminous and interactive installations of the 12th annual Luminothérapie event, the opening of the Esplanade Tranquille skating rink and pavilion, and numerous initiatives from partners and festivals, downtown because a dynamic, festive, safe and inviting winter destination.
Lastly, the district’s various players met to consider several specific aspects of the Quartier. The Forum des festivals was formed, in collaboration with the Ville de Montréal’s festivals and events division (Division festivals et événements - DFE), to propose the sharing of the resources, expertise, stage equipment and facilities that make it possible to create Montreal events’ unique festive experience seamlessly and safely. An in-depth consideration of the future of the Quartier Latin was also begun with the stakeholders of the historic district, leading to the launch in 2021 of an action plan for the area’s revitalization.
Read the 2021 annual report and review all productions completed during the year.
The Quartier des Spectacles Partnership, founded in 2003, is a non-profit organization with more than 85 members active in the district. It is responsible for animating the Quartier des Spectacles by programming cultural activities, managing and animating public spaces, providing distinctive illumination and promoting the Quartier as a must-visit cultural destination. The Partnership benefits from the support of the Ville de Montréal.
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Header photo:
Left to right, front to back: Dany Gauthier, Mouvement Desjardins – Services immobiliers Desjardins; Manon Blanchette, Cinéma Impérial; Marcel Jean, Cinémathèque québécoise; Thien Vu Dang, MAPP_MTL; Monique Simard, board chair, Quartier des Spectacles Partnership; Christian Lecours, KPMG; Manuela Goya, Tourisme Montréal; Diane Langlois, CCMM; Alain Boucher, Festival Juste pour rire; Madeleine Careau, OSM; Paul Harry Toussaint, Kamúy; Glenn Castanheira, Montréal Centre-Ville; Marie-Josée Desrochers, Place des Arts; Éric Lefebvre, executive director, Quartier des Spectacles Partnership; Luci Tremblay, Montréal en Histoires; David Lavoie, FTA - Festival TransAmériques; Nassib El-Husseini, Les 7 doigts; Marc-André Fortin, Table de concertation du Faubourg St-Laurent.
Absent: Claude Joli-Cœur, NFB; Annie Derome, Prével; Magda Fusaro, UQAM; Jacques Primeau, L’Équipe Spectra.
Photographer: Rémi Hermoso
Communications Mingotwo
Mélanie Mingotaud
Quartier des Spectacles Partnership
Marie Lamoureux
Monique Simard*
Manon Blanchette*, Cinéma Impérial
Marie Josée Desrochers*, Place des Arts
Christian Lecours*, KPMG
Glenn Castanheira*, Montréal centre-ville
Alain Boucher, Juste pour rire
Madeleine Careau, Orchestre symphonique de Montréal
Annie Derome, Prével
Amélie Duceppe, Compagnie Jean Duceppe
Mariama Dupuis, Festival Juste pour rire
Nassib El-Husseini, Les 7 doigts
Marc-André Fortin, Table de concertation du Faubourg St-Laurent
Magda Fusaro, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Dany Gauthier, Mouvement Desjardins Services immobiliers Desjardins
Manuela Goya, Tourisme Montréal
Marcel Jean, Cinémathèque québécoise
Claude Joli-Cœur, National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
David Lavoie, Festival TransAmériques (FTA)
Diane Langlois, Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal (CCMM)
Jacques Primeau, Festival International de Jazz de Montréal
Thien Vu Dang, MAPP_MTL
Paul Harry Toussaint, Cultural worker - Kamúy
Luci Tremblay, Montréal en Histoires
* Executive committee member