
Édifice WILDER | Espace Danse

Édifice WILDER | Espace Danse

Information on the venue

For opening hours, please visit the venue's website.

See scheduled activities

Recently renovated and expanded, the Wilder Building provides Agora de la danse and Tangente with new performance and work spaces complete with cutting edge equipment to facilitate the promotion, presentation and ongoing support of contemporary dance works. It is also home to two other dance organizations – les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal and l’École de danse contemporaine de Montréal – making it a unique dance facility in Quebec, a thriving arts centre that simulates encounters between choreographers, spectators, students, professors and presenters.

Built in 1918 to plans by the architect Charles R. Tetley, the Wilder Building was first owned by the Montreal furniture manufacturer and merchant H. A. Wilder. The redesign and renovation is by the architectural firm Lapointe Magne + AEdifica, which drew up the plans and supervised the impressive transformation of this LEED certified building.