The Quartier Latin celebrates the back-to-school season with free programming from september 8 to 10!

Gypsy Kumbia Orchestra in the Quartier latin, 2021

August 29th, 2022
January 15th, 2025
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6 minutes

Press release | For immediate release

Montreal, August 29, 2022 – Today the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership and the Société de développement commercial (SDC) du Quartier latin are pleased to announce the program for La grande rentrée du Quartier latin, the back-to-school event on September 8, 9 and 10 on Saint-Denis Street. For this ambitious, completely free first edition, the program will be centered on three major festive gatherings: Le party de la grande rentrée in Les Jardins Gamelin on September 9, La Nocturne du Quartier latin the night of September 9 and 10 and Le Grand Jam de la rentrée on September 10.

Day and night, there will be a multitude of activities at different locations on pedestrianized Saint-Denis Street between Sainte-Catherine and Sherbrooke streets. On the program: live music, dance and improv by nearly 100 students from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), the École de danse contemporaine de Montréal, Concordia University and Cégep du Vieux-Montréal, open-air short film screenings with the Festival Courts d’un soir and the Cinémathèque québécoise, an exhibition and several roving performances. Montrealers and visitors are invited to join the student community for the occasion. Prepare yourselves, the Quartier Latin is going to be hopping!



Thursday, September 8: Le party de la grande rentrée in Les Jardins Gamelin

A big back-to-school party that gets underway at 6 p.m. Groove to the music of three DJs: Ian Jackman at 6 p.m., Shaydakiss at 7 and Karaba at 8:30.

Friday, September 9: La Nocturne du Quartier latin

To celebrate the new academic year in style and share a late night among friends, more than 15 bars in the Quartier will stay open until 6 a.m.! Participating bars include: L’Abreuvoir, Saint-Houblon, L’Amère à Boire, Pub L’Île Noire, Patrick’s Pub, Le Petit Mexico, Le Petit Cuba, Le Petit Moscou, Le Meltdown, Turbo Haüs, Hookah Lounge, Bistro à Jojo and Menthe et Couscous.


Saturday, September 10: Le Grand Jam de la rentrée

Starting at 7 p.m., three percussion groups will wander along Saint-Denis Street. The public will be able to follow the infectious beats of Kumpa’Nia between Sainte-Catherine St. and De Maisonneuve Blvd.; the Brazilian beats of Le Bloco will take over at 7:20 p.m. as far as Ontario Street; and at 7:30 the Zuruba samba band will have everyone dancing all the way to Sherbrooke Street.

Opening of terraces on St-Denis street, 2022


On Thursday and Friday, September 8 and 9, between noon and 6 p.m., graduates and students of three major Montreal schools will perform on Place Pasteur, near the UQAM steeple. There will be shows by the dance department at UQAM (Ce qui nous tient, a creation by Caroline Laurin-Beaucage), the École de danse contemporaine de Montréal and the Music, Theatre, and Contemporary Dance departments of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Concordia University.

In addition, UQAM’s student radio station, CHOQ, will present a special production on the same stage on September 8 at 4:30 p.m. as well as providing music programming for the first two days of the event.

At the same time – between noon and 6 p.m. – on stages set up outside St-Sulpice library, four student improv leagues will engage in a fierce battle. The public is invited to cheer them on: Ligue d’improvisation de l’UQAM (LicUQAM); Ligue d’action culturelle et d’improvisation (LACI), also from UQAM; Ligue d’improvisation du Cégep du Vieux-Montréal (IVM); and Ligue d’improvisation de l’Université de Montréal (LUDIC).

Ballet de ruelles at Quartier latin, 2022


From 5 to 11 p.m., live music and roving performances will take over Saint-Denis Street. Each evening will feature a different lively and festive theme.

Thursday, September 8: La Soirée musicale  

Three acts will take turns entertaining the crowd: Eric Speed (the world’s fastest violinist), the Swing Tonic Jazz Band and Spicy Circus, a leader in circus arts that will deliver an intense performance!

Friday, September 9: La Soirée lumineuse

Be amazed by the aerial-arts specialist Look-up, the Mystica Circus troupe, the street artists of Toxique Trottoir, the giant Imagicario creatures, the traditional music ensemble Tradorchestre, the dynamic Le Dixieband, and Les Malchaussées, the gumboot dancers who shake the ground wherever they go.

Saturday, September 10: La Soirée loufoque

Les Malchaussées take over Saint-Denis St. once again, followed by the circus acts of Extravaganz’arts and the stilt-walking duo of La Grande Noblesse from Bazar Production. Lastly, La famille Ventrape, Les Gendarmes, the endearing characters of Les Kraas and La Fanfare Faux-Nez will bring their joy right into the crowd.



Short films will be showcased at the Festival Courts d’un soir. The screenings will be presented in UQAM’s Place Pasteur starting at dusk on Friday, September 9, and Saturday, September 10. The Cinémathèque québécoise will also present a series of short films on its back patio on each of the three days of festivities, again starting at dusk.

Lastly, the public can take plenty of time to enjoy the exhibition called Placoter presented in the display windows of the UQAM’s Centre de diffusion et d’expérimentation (CDEx) of Judith-Jasmin building, at the corner of Saint-Denis and Sainte-Catherine streets. Placoter is an experimental font created by students in a course co-directed by professors Amandine Alessandra and Ophélie Tremblay, respectively from UQAM’s École de design and the language-education department at UQAM.

Urban cinema at the Place de la Paix, 2021


The Quartier des Spectacles is Montreal’s cultural heart, boasting North America’s most concentrated and diverse group of cultural venues. Year round, the district is home to countless festivals and events, and hosts innovative urban installations involving cutting-edge lighting design, immersive environments or interactive digital spaces. The Quartier des Spectacles is a showcase for new multimedia technology, making Montreal a global leader in the urban exhibition of digital content.

The Quartier des Spectacles Partnership, founded in 2003, is a non-profit organization with more than 85 members active in the district. It is responsible for animating the Quartier des Spectacles by programming cultural activities, managing and animating public spaces, providing distinctive illumination and promoting the Quartier as a must-visit cultural destination. The Partnership benefits from the support of the Ville de Montréal.

More information:



The SDC Quartier latin is a commercial development corporation (Société de développement commercial in French) and a non-profit organization comprised of 185 business members. It’s territory is located on Saint-Denis Street between Sherbrooke and Sainte-Catherine, on Emery Street and on Ontario and Maisonneuve Streets between Sanguinet and Berri.

The SDC Quartier latin plays an important role in the commercial and cultural development of the Quartier Latin, an iconic and historic strip of Montreal.

The Quartier Latin is the commercial heart of Montreal's francophone culture and a major student hub, accessible to all. Recognized for its nightlife, it has the largest concentration of bars and restaurants in town and 8.5 million visitors a year.

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Partenariat du Quartier des spectacles
Mélanie Mingotaud
514 582-5272

SDC du Quartier latin
Sandra Raymond
514 849-4906



Marie Lamoureux
Senior Advisor – Strategic Communications, Partners and Media
514 923-6772

Culturally vibrant
