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The Quartier des Spectacles Partnership (PQDS) invites cultural organizations and artists to propose artistic performances (living arts) from all disciplines to enrich the Partnership’s programming for public spaces this summer. The PQDS has been mandated to animate the entire downtown core and wishes to involve as many creators as possible.


With this call for proposals, the PQDS seeks to mobilize the arts ecosystem to inform as many creators as possible of this programming opportunity, offered in conjunction with this summer’s downtown relaunch initiative (Relance centre-ville 2021).

The project addresses the following objectives:

  • Present as many projects as possible in public spaces;
  • Give cultural organizations and artists an opportunity to keep themselves in public view
  • Support local artists;
  • Give audiences of all ages high-quality cultural experiences, whether entertaining or thought-provoking;
  • Contribute to the distinctive and dynamic character of the Quartier des Spectacles;
  • Continue existing efforts to revitalize the wider downtown core (focusing on creation and exhibition spaces and enhancing attractiveness).


The Relance centre-ville 2021 project will run from early June to late September, 2021 (dates to be confirmed).

It will involve the presentation of living arts performances from all disciplines: circus, dance, music, street theatre, comedy, visual arts (live). Regardless of format (stationary or roving), the performance must capture audiences’ attention, spark curiosity, and have an emotional impact and/or be thought-provoking.

There is a large and diverse group of public performance spaces in the wider downtown area (streets, terrasses, small stages, lawns, Place des Festivals, etc). The targeted zone (wider downtown area) is bounded by Atwater, Sherbrooke, Papineau and de la Commune streets.

Please note that the organizations selected will be responsible for producing their own projects. The Partnership’s mandate for this project is to coordinate programming as a whole.


Here are some parameters to consider in your proposal:

Turnkey artistic performance:
- Either already produced (ideal) or nearing completion. Simple and light:
- Few technical or logistical details;
- Easy to relocate (can be moved from one venue to another by truck);
- Easy to postpone if necessary.

Accepted types and formats of performances:
- Roving (about 90 minutes, with multiple performance times);
- Stationary spontaneous performances, 10 to 30 minutes (depending on rules in effect).

Daytime experience:
- We will prioritize daytime performances. We suggest you think primarily in terms of schedules such as:
Weekdays at lunchtime and after work (5 to 7)
Weekends (Saturday/Sunday) in the afternoon and late afternoon/early evening

- Priority will be given to experiences for all audiences.

Public health requirements:
- Artists must maintain 2 metres distance from each other and audience members (physical distancing);
- Performances must not attract large crowds;
- Members of the public must not be asked to touch objects.

*Please note that the current special circumstances require that all activities comply with public health directives and related orders issued by other authorities.


  • April 12, 2021: Call for proposals issued
  • May 14, 2021: Deadline for submitting proposals
  • Week of May 17, 2021: Review of proposals
  • Early June 2021: Programming in public spaces begins


Proposals will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • Originality
  • Artistic quality
  • Respect for public health requirements
  • Respect for performance durations (flexibility)
  • Budget
  • Positive contribution to the quality of the audience experience


To submit a proposal, complete this form and email other required documents, to

Deadline for submitting proposals: MAY 14, 2021

To complete the form you will need:

  • A description of the performance (discipline, number of artists, duration, assembly and disassembly time, etc.) ;
  • Proposal of one or more dates for the realization of the project.

Other documents to be provided by e-mail:

  • A company description including creative approach and general philosophy (max. one page) ;
  • Detailed technical sheet;
  • Detailed budget;
  • A list of members of the artistic team and a short recap of their training and experience, with a link to previous work;
  • Video (preferred) and/or still images of the performance.

You will be asked for your preferred performance date(s), but the final decision will be based on discussions with the programming project coordinator. While the situation could change, we do not expect to be able to present any activities before early June. We believe it is wise to assume that stationary living arts performances cannot start before mid-June.

Depending on their nature, some projects may be more suitable for presentation early in the season, while others would be best presented later, depending on government measures to open up activities.

The calendar will be designed based on all proposals received and public health orders.

Obviously, we cannot guarantee that all proposals will be approved. Only those selected will be contacted.

Proposals will be reviewed by the PQDS programming team.

Consult and download this call for projects in pdf version