
Place des festivals: construction begins

January 29, 2008

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The Société d’habitation et de développement de Montréal (SHDM) announced the start of work on the first phase of the Special Planning Programme (SPP) for the Place des Arts area.

The Balmoral block is currently surrounded by a large earthen berm. A total of 50 tons of earth will be removed from the block, to lower the ground level at the site so that it is even with Jeanne-Mance Street.

The SHDM will slow or halt their work to permit the 2008 festival season to proceed. A large outdoor stage will be erected at a reserved site at the corner of Jeanne-Mance and De Maisonneuve. The work will resume after the festivals, and will be complete in time for the 30th anniversary of the Festival international de jazz de Montréal in 2009.

The SPP includes four phases, which will be realized over four years.

Consult the SPP here (French only).
